Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I didn't realize it has been so long since I wrote ....

We are still in the middle of our move out of Minnesota ....

It doesn't look as if we will have quite as much growing land as I thought we would - but then maybe that's okay, since we are older now and the thought of getting out into a field just makes our backs and knees seize up!!!

but, we've got a beautiful look out at a lake ....

hubby can go fishing whenever he wants ....
he just can't eat any of them because I'm extremely allergic (according to my mom while I was growing up)

And .... I'm living with a CAT ....
don't get me wrong, my mother-in-law's cat is a "nice" cat ... although he keeps rubbing on my legs when I'm in shorts, and stretches his paws up under drawers when I'm getting ready to close them ... that type of thing ... it just that, until I started dating my husband - I didn't know i had an allergy to cats too ....

So, he gets the run of the house .... I get the pantry, bedroom , and one bathroom where he isn't allowed (although he will follow me into the pantry) ...

My dog, Luna. loves the house .... doesn't even mind the radio collar not working up here - hubby takes her for walks all the time .... he says he enjoys it too - it gives him extra steps on his FitBit .... lol ....

So there are things to get used to in a new state ... mostly TAXES ...

In MN, there is no tax on clothing, nor MOST food ... but the tax system is totally wacky.
And at the end of the year, you will ALWAYS be told you owe MORE ... ever since Crazy Eyes was governor ... Mark Dayton ....

And if there's a "surplus" - which means people paid TOO MUCH .... Tim Walz WON'T give any of it back to the ones who actually got overcharged!!

Oh I've got OPINIONS on him!!!!!!!!!  But not for here ....

In this state - we have to pay tax on EVERYTHING we buy .... including clothing and food ..... but it ends up costing LESS for the most part ....

very strange.

I was hoping to have a garden this year ....

But that didn't work out -- hubby and I can't agree on things at the moment ....

such as where it's going to go ....

nor what's going to get planted there

BUT - we will figure all this out ....

but ....

Later ....

so it will likely be another verrrrrrryyyy long time - again - before I get back here to post.

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