Thursday, May 23, 2013

Welcome To MN

Hope you didn't think it was actually summer yet ... Official or non-officially .... 

There are FROST WARNINGS in our state for TONIGHT!

Yeah I know -- "but its end of May!!"

But wait - its getting back into the 80s next week again ...

 See its going to be another on of <i>those</i> summers ...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Holy crap

The body of the second child was recovered today.

2 boys, ages 9 & 10 died

This is soooooooooooooo sad

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There's nothing else to say ...

Two sets of parents are pleased .... Two sets are broken ....

Today tragedy struck our area ....

The big city (st Paul) school district had a field trip to a park at an adjoining city ... We've been there but only on the trails ... The point of the trip was to look for fossils ... The place has quite a bit so it's a prime location ...

A group of 4th graders ... Aged about 10 years old ... Maybe 9 years old ... We're having fun looking on this semi-rainy day - just light sprinkles, nothing huge like we've had over the weekend ...

They say the earth just gave way .... They say there was a gravel slide ... They say there was no way to know it was going to happen ....

4 kids were caught in it ...

Two were rescued ... One has already gone home from a hospital ...

One was "recovered" ... That is, they were too late or the child was killed on impact ....

One is still missing ... They were going to stop looking around 11pm tonight because the area was getting dangerous for rescuers - they had been digging all afternoon and even had fire hoses down there to try to wash away the sand/gravel to find the children ...

Facebook posts from the local news say they were going to keep looking ... I'm betting they've closed down for the night now ...

They've dubbed it a "recovery" now ... So they think this child is gone as well ...

This is every parents nightmare!

Hug your kids tonight ... And every time you are near them ... Every time you get in a bickering with them end it with "I really do love you" ... Because you never know ...

So sad ...

I will follow up as news comes in

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Green House Update

Well a few things got planted about a week ago ... The day before Mothers Day, while hubby was working on the chicken coop ... My daughter and I decided to get going on the seedlings for the long field - or at least part of it.

We only planted three types of plants -

Pumpkin - Sugar Pie
Tomato - Red Cherry
Cabbage- 2 varieties
________Red Acre
________Green Acre

I still have carrots to do too ... As well as turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, beets but those would do best going straight into the fields ... Then there is the strawberry-spinach and onions ... There is so much more to get going on.

Here's how they have grown so far ... Wait ... It's been 10 days since planting ... They've grown pretty fast

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother Nature's Cramping Up

It has to be PMS on a massive scale - tornadoes down south ... Flooding out west ... Wild fires even farther west & south ... Ice on the lake at the cabin just went out about a week ago and we got over 100F!

Mother Nature is being crabby ... I'm telling you ...

Last week we were 2 inches or so below our water level ... We had some pretty big storms go through this weekend, and it's been pretty wet today (on & off) so now we are ...

2 - 2 1/2 inches ABOVE where we should be

The high today was 71F (low 63F) which is pretty close to average (71/50)
But the records are 94F (2009) and 31F (1935)

Wow - what a spread in temp and time! Of course the place where the temp was taken in 1935 is different than now, and the equipment these days are a bit more actuate ... And there has been some questions raised about where it's located on site ... But that's neither here nor there for this post ...

The fields are so wet right now that I'm not sure we will be able to get into them before June! We only have until mid-June if we get three more days of rain as they say we should ... The corn we use need 80+ days to ripen/harvest which would still put the grow time in the warmth of the summer (and hopefully rainfall) and still be ready for selling just before the schools open up ... We usually try for the week before the state fair opens, but during is good to.

This year any "left over" corn can be dried, husked, and ground into chicken feed ... And corn meal I suppose ... We will see.

I'm hoping to can quite a bit this year too