Saturday, October 12, 2013

So Rainbow Foods has 5# potatoes, 2# carrots, & bags of onions on sale for 99¢ today ( sale started Thursday, to be fair) so hubby went to get me some ... NO LIMITS!

I texted him that 10 bags of each would be nice .... I'm the crazy canning lady, you know ... 

He came back with only 1/2 as much as I wanted ... Well less than half really since he got me 25# of potatoes, 8# carrots, 4 bags of onions ... 

He said he didn't want to buy as much as I wanted because he'd have to buy more canning jars then .... I told him no:

potatoes get done first they would HAVE to be canned to last ...

Carrots can be frozen if need be, easy enough to do ...

Onions can be set into a dark bin to last the wintertime if they must .... But 30¢ a pound was just too good to give up ...

He rolled his eyes ... So I guess these will have to do for now

Didn't can any of it ... They didn't last long enough

The potatoes lasted about a week or so - my family loves potatoes 

Carrots lasted about 2 weeks, my kids like them a lot too

Those onions? Well I've still got a COUPLE of them ... Not a couple of bags, just a couple of onions .... But that's because I found a big 10# bag that had gotten moved into a spot they didn't belong {kids!}

Oh well ...

It's December and the forecast for food prices is getting awful ....

But we will be okay ... I've stocked up on dehydrated food 

